


Variables can be accessed either as part of a dataset, by their dtype, or individually.

# To access the entire dataset:

# Alternatively, to access specific variables by their dtype:
ix.eda(titanic, val='continuous')

# Alternatively, to access the 'Age' variable individually:
ix.eda(titanic, 'Age')

Pairwise sample

Statistical Information on the Variable

VALID Percentage of valid observations in the variable
MISSING Percentage of missing observations in the variable
UNIQUE Percentage of unique observations in the variable

The mini bar chart shows the variable value distribution (it uses log-scale making variations more apparent)


Pairwise sample

The “Stats” tab provides users with an extensive set of statistics

Additionally, the tab includes a histogram paired with a Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) plot, providing a comprehensive visualization of the variable’s distribution.

VALUES Number of valid values in the variable
MISSING Number of missing observations in the variable
DISTINCT Number of unique observations in the variable
MEMORY Memory size of the variable
DTYPE Pandas datatype
MAX Maximum value of the variable
95% Value at the 95th percentile of the variable
Q3 Third quartile (75th percentile) of the variable
AVG Average (mean) value of the variable
MEDIAN Median value of the variable
Q1 First quartile (25th percentile) of the variable
5% Value at the 5th percentile of the variable
RANGE Difference between maximum and minimum values
IQR Interquartile Range - Difference between the first and third quartiles
STD Standard deviation of the variable
VAR Variance of the variable
KURT. Kurtosis (measure of the “tailedness” of the distribution) of the variable
SKEW Skewness (measure of asymmetry) of the variable
SUM Sum of all values in the variable

QQ Plot

Pairwise sample

The tab features a QQ plot, which offers a graphical assessment of whether the data follows a theoretical normal distribution by comparing the quantiles of the variable against those of a theoretical distribution.

Value Table

Pairwise sample

The value table organizes data by sorting values according to their frequency of occurrence, enabling quick identification of the most common values (up to 10) within the dataset.

And additionaly displaying the top three and bottom three values for quick reference and analysis.