Best Pizza

pizza pizza

Serves: 5
Prep time: 3 hours 00 minutes
Cook time: 0 hours 05 minutes


  • ---------- SUGO -----------
  • basil
  • 440g mutti polpa tomatoes
  • 1 tea spoons salt
  • 2 tea spoons olive oil
  • -------- POOLISH ----------
  • 300ml water
  • 300gr. flour
  • 5gr. dry yeast
  • 5gr. honey.
  • --------- DOUGHT ----------
  • All poolish
  • 200ml. water
  • 475gr. 00 flour
  • 15 gr. salt
  • 15gr. olive oil.


  1. The day before, mix the poolish and let it sit outside for 1 hour, then transfer it to the fridge for 24 hours.
  2. On the second day, transfer all the poolish into the KitchenAid, add water, and run it on speed 2.
  3. Once the poolish is blended with water, add flour and salt, and mix for 10-15 minutes until the dough starts to completely separate from the bowl.
  4. After that, let it sit in the mixer for 15 minutes.
  5. Run it on high speed for 10 seconds and transfer the dough onto the kitchen counter, forming a firm ball. Let it rest covered for 1 hour.
  6. Divide the dough into 5 pieces and shape them into small balls. Cover them and let them rest for 1 hour. Meanwhile, prepare other ingredients (preheat oven to the maximum temperature).
  7. Form pizzas and bake them in a pizza oven or kitchen oven. (Make sure all toppings are dry.)
  8. 🍕🍕🍕
recipe cooking

Published: Jan 2, 2024 by imooger